+44(0)1306 885 888 info@broanmain.co.uk





Broanmain Limited respects the privacy of the individuals with whom it works, in whichever capacity and is committed to protecting personal data of those individuals.


Broanmain will collect and store personal data only for the purposes for which it was intended, and we will not pass on or use individual’s data for any other use than that which is strictly related to their business dealings.


The data held by Broanmain may include :


Identity data               –    first name, maiden name, last name, username, marital status, date of birth and gender, proof of eligibility to work.

Contact Data               –    billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers.

Financial Data             –    bank details

Transactional data      –    history of payments made and products purchased

Marketing data           –    preferences relating to receiving mailings etc from Broanmain Limited


If individuals choose to withhold personal data which it is a legislative requirement for Broanmain to obtain this may require the cessation of Broanmain’s contract with an individual.


Data is collected through credit applications, supplier applications, applications for employment or via website information.


Data is only used for legitimate business dealings, and is shared only when legitimately necessary. A copy of Broanmain’s Personal Information Audit and Management Process document is available upon request.


Broanmain will send group mailings that only relate to Company or industry activity and which Broanmain believes may be of relevant interest to the recipient.   This may include staff changes, technology updates or information relating to Broanmain and its activities which may affect individual’s dealings with the business.   Should individuals prefer not to receive such mailings there will always be an option to unsubscribe.


Data collected will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided, and should any change in the use be deemed necessary prior consent will be obtained prior to the implementation of the new usage.


Personal data is not transferred outside of the EEA.


Security systems are in place to protect all data held at Broanmain.   Should these systems be breached a report will be made immediately to the Information Commissioners Office.


Data will be stored for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, including any legislative requirement.   Where necessary steps will be taken to anonymise data.


Individuals have the right to request their personal data which will enable them to receive details of personal data that is held and to show how it is being used.   Should the information be inaccurate individuals are able to expect Broanmain to update records to correct errors, upon receipt of necessary evidence.   Individuals may also request that personal data be removed where there is no business requirement for it to be held, and this will be carried out providing there is no legislative requirement for it to be held.


Third parties may have access to or hold data for legitimate business purposes, such as but not limited to – bankers, IT support providers, payroll and HR support services.   Relevant privacy notices are obtained and held by Broanmain in these circumstances.


For more information about the privacy of data stored at Broanmain please contact the Managing Director, Operations Director or Accounts and Office Manager.   Contact details are available at www.broanmainplastics.co.uk